Posts Tagged ‘nn’

interactive cnn

June 18, 2017

an intuitive example of how CNN works

By sparring with AlphaGo, researchers are learning how an algorithm thinks

February 26, 2017

With #AlphaGo researchers are learning how an algorithm thinks What images #NNs conjure up for a classification term

-“Tyka was part of the Google team that first published work on DeepDream, a computer-vision experiment that went viral in 2015. The team trained a deep neural network to classify images, i.e. show the network a picture, it tells you what the image depicts. Except instead of asking it to look at pictures, they programmed the network to look at a word and produce what it thought would be an image that represents the word. The deep neural network would then supply its visual “idea” of different words.

And it worked. The team gave the network the word “banana,” for example, and it produced a dizzying fractal of banana-shaped objects. But the experiment also provided insight into how the machine thought about objects. When asked to produce dumbbells, the network generated gray dumbbell shapes with beige protrusions—arms. The neural net correlated arms and dumbbells so highly that they were seen as almost one object.”
