Posts Tagged ‘x78qt’

Healthy lifestyle could counteract effects of life-shortening genes –

April 30, 2024 The Future of Medicine (WIRED guides): How We Will Enjoy Longer, Healthier Lives eBook: Temperton, James, WIRED: Kindle Store

June 4, 2021
2021-06-04 00.00.29.Future-of-medicine.x78qt.1ofmany.scan0mg.jpg

‘Sanitizing’ functional genomics data may prevent privacy breaches | Spectrum | Autism Research News

January 8, 2021

Researchers simulate privacy leaks in functional genomics studies — ScienceDaily

November 15, 2020

Q&A: A New Tool for Ensuring Genetic Privacy | The Scientist Magazine(R)

November 15, 2020

Yale team finds way to protect genetic privacy in research | YaleNews

November 15, 2020

Covid-19 vaccine distribution agreement with pharmacies, measles cases hit 23-year high, & participation in cancer trials

November 15, 2020

Lab Chat: Cleaning up genetic data to protect privacy but get maximum use

As research using genetic data has accelerated in recent decades, scientists are trying to find ways to get the most out of the data while still preserving individuals’ privacy. In a new study, experts describe a program that allows them to “sanitize” and blur out any identifying genetic variants in available data. I spoke with Mark Gerstein and Gamze Gursoy, two authors of the study and bioinformatics researchers at Yale, to learn more:

What is the current problem with privacy, and which datasets have this problem? Gerstein: There is this binary view of privacy — either the data is locked or not locked. It’s hard to aggregate data when it’s locked down and what we’re trying to do in the paper is measure the amount of private information in there so we can just remove that [and access the rest].
Gursoy: Some examples of databases with this problem are the Cancer Genome Atlas, and even the one we manage, called PsychENCODE [for understanding the genetics of psychiatric disorders].

How did you cover up the private data?
Gursoy: We have a reference genome that represents everyone — but there is 1% that’s unique to each of us. So, if you see an “A” in the genetic code of the reference genome, but a “G” in the data you have, you change it to the “A.”
Gerstein: When you use Google’s Street View, the people on the street are unimportant to the information you’re trying to get about stores, etc. The Google car takes pictures of people’s faces, but then finds people in the images and blurs them out. Our process is similar. “}}

Insights & Outcomes: a new spin on quantum research, and the biology of sex | YaleNews

August 3, 2020
ENCODE and the dance between genes and DNA/RNA
Since 2003, the lab of Yale’s Mark Gerstein has played a major role in an international effort to catalog data on the complex interactions between genes and the segments of DNA and RNA that regulate their functions. The latest findings of the ENCODE project were published July 29 in 30 papers, four spearheaded by Gerstein’s lab, in a variety of scientific journals. Jing Zhang and Donghoon Lee from Gerstein’s lab have created a video illustrating science’s evolving understanding of the complex regulatory networks that can contribute to cancer and other diseases. The latest findings by the Gerstein lab and other major ENCODE contributors can be found on the Gerstein lab website. “}}

DNAaaahahaha: Twins’ 23andMe, Ancestry, etc genetic tests vary wildly, surprising no one • The Register

January 19, 2019

Inauguration of the Yale Center for Biomedical Data Science

January 30, 2018